Tuesday, 13 September 2011

2nd class

Assalamualaikum w.b.t

Thanks God for still giving me chances to be in class KPD3016 today. During the class we discuss about a topic on "assessment". Do you know what is assessment. Assessment is a process to collect data on what students know and what they can do. There are many ways of accessing students. It can be through questioning, quiz and presentation. When teacher asks students question, the teacher can know their students IQ level. The best assessment is multiple type assessment because we can access student through different ways.

We also need to sign up with wikispace. My group's wikispace account named missworldphysics. So, if you have this account, add us. So that we can share our opinion on the topic of nuclear energy. We also had decide which part we want to take in discussing the topic about nuclear energy which is public part. That's all for now. The time is running out. This class will be ended in next few minutes. 


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