Monday, 31 October 2011

Problem Based Learning

Assalamualaikum w.b.t

What is problem based learning (PBL)??? 

Problem based learning is one kind of learning that starts with a problem (problem statement / problem scenario). The problem is relevant with the real life. In PBL, it includes three components which are problem, facilitator and problem solvers. The teacher acts as a facilitator rather than a source of "solution". It differs with traditional apprach where the teacher acts as lecturer and the students just get everything from the teacher. In PBL, the 21st Century skills can be developed in every student. 

The question is ill-structured by the teacher. Before doing the PBL, the students must come out with this thinking template.
1. What we know?
2. What we don't know?
3. What we want to know?
We also use FILA chart as a thinking template. 

The steps to do PBL as in the figure below :

Today, I had experienced the PBL in my class. First, Dr. Nurul gave a problem on crossed circuit. It may related to topic on Energy and Power. First, we come out with the idea about the problem statement. We need to search the internet to know the amount of one unit of electricity used. It is actually to convert the energy unit to cent unit. We also need to know the power rating of each electrical appliances. After that, we need to calculate the energy used by using the formula E=Pt. After calculating it, we come into conclusion on who are using more  energy and who need to pay more for electric bill. When selected group presenting their calculation, there are a slight argument on the cost calculated. This is due to differences of power rating for the appliances. Maybe each group are not searching for the same type of appliances. So, to overcome this problem, student should find it in a trusted web page. We also can know the power rating of the appliances by searching it directly at the label of the appliances. 

I think PBL approach is a good approach to be used in the classroom during this time. It can develop the 21st   Century Skills among the students. The students will search for the solutions themselves rather than get it 100% from the teacher. It can be more enjoyable since they need to explore to find the solution. 

Till then, thank you...

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